Terms of service

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Termos of service – Bruno Chikuji

These Terms and Conditions regulate the use of the website service https://brunochikuji.com.br, which BRUNO CHIKUJI offers to Internet users.

The use of the Site assigns the condition of user or author of the Site (hereinafter referred to as “User” or “Author”) and implies the full and unreserved acceptance of all items of the Terms of Conditions and Use, in the version published at the time of use of the Site.

Thus, the User must carefully read this Terms of Conditions and Use, each time the Site is used, as it may undergo changes.

The use of certain services and content offered through the Site is subject to specific conditions (hereinafter, the “Special Conditions”) which, as the case may be, replace, complement and/or modify this Terms of Use. The User, therefore , you should read the respective Specific Conditions before accessing or using these services and contents.

Thus, all access to services and content subject to Particular Conditions will express the User’s unconditional acceptance of such conditions in the version published by BRUNO CHIKUJI at the time the access and/or use occurs.

The use of the Site is also subject to all notices, regulations of use and instructions made available to the User by Bruno Chikuji, which complement the provisions of this Terms of Conditions and Use as long as they do not oppose this.


Through the Website, BRUNO CHIKUJI provides Users with access to various services and contents (hereinafter, the “Services”) made available by BRUNO CHIKUJI or by third parties.


3.1 Free nature of accessing and using the Site

The provision of Services by BRUNO CHIKUJI is free for Users. However, some Services offered by BRUNO CHIKUJI and by third parties through the Site are charged in the ways and values ​​determined in the Specific Conditions.

3.2 User Registration

Generally speaking, the provision of the Services does not require the prior registration or registration of Users. However, BRUNO CHIKUJI makes the use of some Services subject to prior User registration.

3.3 Veracity of information

All information provided by the User through the Services must be true. Thus, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data provided by filling out the respective forms. Thus, it will be the User’s responsibility to keep all information provided to BRUNO CHIKUJI permanently updated so that it always reflects the User’s actual data. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements that he/she makes and that may cause damage to BRUNO CHIKUJI or third parties.

3.4 Minors

To use the Service, underage Users must obtain prior permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be held responsible for all acts performed by minors.

Parents, guardians or legal representatives of minors will be fully responsible for the contents and Services used by minors. As the Internet allows access to content that may not be appropriate for minors, BRUNO CHIKUJI informs Users that there are mechanisms, especially for conducting searches, that allow limiting the content available to minors, being of special use for the control and restriction of materials, although they are not infallible.

3.5 Obligation to use the Site and Services correctly

The User undertakes to use the Site and Services in accordance with the law, with the provisions of these Terms of Conditions and Use, with the respective Particular Conditions for certain Services, with the notices, regulations of use and instructions brought to their knowledge, as well as with public order, with generally accepted morals and good customs.

The User undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties, information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, files and sound and/or image, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any type of material that:

(a) in any way contradict, belittle or violate fundamental rights and public liberties constitutionally recognized, in international treaties and in the legal system;

(b) induce, incite or promote illegal, denigrating, defamatory, infamous, violent acts or, in general, contrary to the law, morals and good customs;

(c) induce, incite or promote discriminatory acts, attitudes or ideas based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition;

(d) incorporate, make available or allow access to products, elements, messages and/or services that are illegal, violent, pornographic, degrading or, in general, contrary to law, morals and good customs;

(e) induce or could induce an unacceptable state of anxiety or fear;

(f) induce or incite to engage in dangerous, risky or harmful practices to health or psychic balance;

(g) is false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated or extemporaneous, in a way that could mislead about its object or about the intentions or purposes of the communicater;

(h) are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without the User having previously obtained from their holders the necessary authorization to carry out the use that they carry out or intend to carry out;

(i) violate the trade secrets of third parties;

(j) are contrary to the right to honor, personal and family intimacy or people’s own image;

(k) violate the rules on communications secrecy;

(l) constitute illegal, misleading or unfair advertising and, in general, constitute unfair competition;

(m) incorporate viruses or other physical or electronic elements that may cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the network, system or computer equipment (“hardware” and “software”) of third parties, or which may cause damage to electronic documents and files stored in these computer equipment;

(n) cause, by their characteristics (such as form, extension, etc.) difficulties in the normal functioning of the Service;

(o) contain HTML content different from those expressly authorized by BRUNO CHIKUJI.

3.6 Obligation to use the Content correctly

In accordance with the provisions of clause 3.5, the User undertakes to use the contents made available to the Users of the Site, being understood as such, for illustrative purposes, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software , links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as graphic designs and source codes (hereinafter, the “Contents”) in accordance with the law, these Terms of Conditions and Use, the Particular Conditions of certain Services and other notices, regulations of use and instructions placed in your knowledge, as well as with generally accepted morals and good customs and, in particular, undertakes not to:

(a) reproduce, copy, distribute, allow public access, transform or modify the Content, unless you have the prior authorization of the holder of the corresponding rights, or that is legally permitted or that you correctly refer to the Site, indicating:

  1. Identification of the BRUNO CHIKUJI website as the author of the article;
  2. Link to the article by BRUNO CHIKUJI (at the end of the publication or in another prominent place);
  3. Identification of BRUNO CHIKUJI as a partner (optional).

(b) suppress, manipulate or in any way change the copyright and other data identifying the rights of BRUNO CHIKUJI or its holders, as well as the technical protection devices, digital marks or any information mechanisms that may contain the Contents;

(c) the User shall refrain from obtaining, or attempting to obtain, the Content through means other than those which, in each case, have been made available for such purposes or which, in general, are habitually used on the Internet for such purposes. purposes, but bear the risk of damage to or disablement of the Site, Services or Content.

3.7 Use of Services in accordance with BRUNO CHIKUJI’s Anti-Spamming Policy

The User undertakes to refrain from:

(i) obtain data for advertising purposes and send advertising of any kind for sale or other purposes of a commercial nature without prior request and consent;

(ii) forward to a group of people any unsolicited or previously consented messages;

(iii) send unsolicited or previously consented chains of electronic messages;

(iv) use distribution lists that can be accessed through the Site and Services to carry out the activities described in items (i) to (iii) above,

(v) make available to third parties, for any purpose, data collected from distribution lists.

The User or third parties harmed by the reception of unsolicited messages and addressed to a plurality of people may complain by communicating to BRUNO CHIKUJI.

3.8 Introduction of “hyperlinks” that allow access to the Website pages and the Services

The User and all those persons who intend to establish a hyperlink between their website and the Site (hereinafter, the “Hyperlink”) must comply with the following conditions:

(i) the “Hyperlink” will only and exclusively allow access to the homepage, the website’s home page or the page of a specific article;

(ii) not create a frame over the pages of the Site;

(iii) not make false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications about BRUNO CHIKUJI, its administrators, employees, website pages and the Services;

(iv) not declare or imply that BRUNO CHIKUJI would have authorized the “Hyperlink” or that he would have supervised or assumed, in any way, responsibility for the services offered or made available on the website where the “Hyperlink” is established;

(v) with the exception of the signs that form part of the “Hyperlink”, the website on which the “Hyperlink” is established will not contain any brand, trade name, logo, slogan, look and feel or any other signs belonging to BRUNO CHIKUJI;

(vi) the website on which the “Hyperlink” is established must not contain illegal information or content, contrary to morals, good customs or public order, nor will it contain content contrary to the rights of third parties.

Fixing a “Hyperlink” does not imply, under any circumstances, the existence of relationships between BRUNO CHIKUJI and the owner of the website that contains it, nor the acceptance or approval of BRUNO CHIKUJI regarding its contents or services.


All trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that are published on the Site are the property of BRUNO CHIKUJI or third parties, without the use or access to the Site or Services being understood as attributing rights for Users to mention such brands, names and signs.

The Contents published on the Site are the exclusive property of BRUNO CHIKUJI, without being able to understand them as transferred to the User. The exploitation right that exists or may exist on such Content will be in accordance with the strict need for the correct use of the Site and Services.


5.1 Exclusion of warranties and liability for the functioning of the Site and Services

5.1.1 Availability and continuity, usefulness and fallibility

Due to technical and operational issues, BRUNO CHIKUJI cannot guarantee the availability and continuity of operation of the Site and Services.

When reasonably possible, BRUNO CHIKUJI will give advance notice of interruptions in the functioning of the Site and the Services.

BRUNO CHIKUJI also does not guarantee the usefulness of the Website and the Services for the performance of any specific activity, nor their infallibility and, in particular, although not exclusively, that Users will be able to effectively use the Website and the Services, access the different web pages that make up the Site or those on which the Services are provided.

BRUNO CHIKUJI disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by the legal system, any liability for damages of any nature that may result from the lack of availability or continuity of operation of the Site and services, to defrauding the usefulness of users may have attributed to the Website and the services, the inability of the Website and the services and, in particular, although not exclusively, to failures in accessing the different web pages that make up the Website or on which the services are provided.

5.1.2 Privacy and security in the use of the Site and Services

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not guarantee the privacy and security of the use of the Site and Services and, in particular, does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties may not be aware of the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of use that Users make of the Site or through the Services.

BRUNO CHIKUJI disclaims all liability allowed by the legal system for damages of any nature that may result from knowledge that unauthorized third parties may have of the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of use of the Site or services.

5.2 Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability for Content

5.2.1 Quality

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not guarantee the absence of viruses in the Contents, as well as other harmful elements that may produce changes in your computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system.

BRUNO CHIKUJI disclaims any liability allowed by the legal system for damages of any nature that may result from the presence of viruses or other harmful elements in the content and which, in this way, may produce changes and/or damage to the physical system and / or electronic of user equipment

5.2.2 Legality, Reliability and Utility

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not guarantee the legality, reliability and usefulness of the Content.

BRUNO CHIKUJI disclaims all liability allowed by the legal system for damages of any nature that may result from the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to content, and in particular, although not exclusively , for damages and losses that may result from:

(a) non-compliance with the law, morals, generally accepted good customs or public order, as a result of the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the contents;

(b) infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, rights to honor, personal and family privacy, the image of people, property rights and of any kind belonging to a third party as a result of the transmission, broadcast, storage, availability, reception, retrieval or access to the contents;

(c) the performance of acts of unfair competition and illegal advertising as a result of the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to content;

(d) the lack of veracity, precision, accuracy, pertinence and/or up-to-date content;

(e) the inadequacy for any kind of purpose, or the frustration, of the expectations generated by the contents;

(f) non-compliance, delay in performance, defective performance or termination for any reason of the obligations contracted by third parties and contracts entered into with third parties through or based on access to the contents;

(g) vices and defects of any kind existing in the services provided by third parties through the Site.

5.2.3 Veracity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not guarantee the veracity, accuracy, completeness and currency of the Contents.

BRUNO CHIKUJI disclaims all liability allowed by the legal system for damages of any nature that may result from the lack of veracity, accuracy, exhaustiveness and/or up-to-date content.

5.3 Exclusion of warranties and liability for services provided by third parties through the Site

5.3.1 Quality

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not control in advance, and therefore does not guarantee the absence of viruses in the Services provided by third parties, as well as other harmful elements that may produce changes in your computer system (software and hardware) or in electronic documents and files stored on your computer system.

BRUNO CHIKUJI disclaims any responsibility for damages of any nature that may result from the presence of viruses or other harmful elements in the services provided by third parties and which, in this way, may produce changes and/or damage to the physical system and/ or electronic of users’ equipment.

5.3.2 Legality, Reliability and Utility

BRUNO CHIKUJI cannot and effectively does not guarantee the legality, reliability and usefulness of services provided by third parties through the Site.

BRUNO CHIKUJI disclaims any responsibility for damages of any nature that may result from services provided by third parties through the Site, and in particular, although not exclusively, for damages that may result:

(a) non-compliance with the law, morals and good customs generally accepted by public order as a result of the provision of services by third parties through the Site;

(b) infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, rights to honor, personal and family privacy and the image of people, property rights and of any kind belonging to a third party as a result of the provision of services by third parties through the Site;

(c) the performance of acts of unfair competition and illegal advertising as a result of the provision of services by third parties through the Site;

(d) the lack of veracity, accuracy, extinction, pertinence and/or up-to-date content transmitted, broadcast, stored, received, obtained, made available or accessible through services provided by third parties through the Site;

(e) the inadequacy for any type of purpose and the frustration of expectations generated by the services provided by third parties through the Site;

(f) non-compliance, delay in performance, defective performance or termination, for any reason, of obligations contracted by third parties and contracts entered into with third parties in relation to the reason for providing services through the Site;

(g) vices and defects of any kind in the services provided by third parties through the Site.

5.4 Exclusion of warranties and liability for information, content and services hosted outside the Site

The Site makes available to Users technical devices called “access links”, such as, among others, “banners” (display of images and graphic signs on the pages, which identify advertising, advertising, etc.), buttons, directories and tools that allow Users to access Pages belonging to third parties (hereinafter, “External Pages”).

The installation of these banners, directories and search tools on the Site has the sole purpose of making it easier for Users to search for information available on the Internet.

The results of the search engines are provided directly by third parties and are a consequence of the automatic operation of technical mechanisms, which is why BRUNO CHIKUJI cannot and does not control such results.

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not control the appearance of Internet sites in such results whose contents may be illegal, inappropriate, contrary to morals and good customs.

In the event that a User understands that any of the sites arising from the search contains illegal activity or information and wishes to request the removal of the link, he/she must observe the provisions of clause seven of this Terms of Use.

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not offer or sell, by itself or third parties, information, content and services available on the External Pages, nor does it previously control, approve, recommend, supervise or make them its own.

The User, therefore, must exercise the utmost prudence in the use of information, content and services on the External Pages.

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for damages of any kind that may arise:

(a) the functioning, availability, accessibility or continuity of external pages;

(b) maintenance of services, information, data, files, products and any type of material on external pages;

(c) the provision or transmission of services, information, data, files, products and any type of material on the linked sites;

(d) the quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the services, information, data, files, products and any type of material on the external pages, under the same terms and with the same scope set forth in items (5.2 and 5.3) of the term of use.

5.5 Exclusion of warranties and liability for the use of the Site, Services and Content by Users

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not control the access or use that Users make of the Site, Services and Content.

BRUNO CHIKUJI does not guarantee that Users will use the Site, Services and Content in accordance with the law, with this Terms of Use and, in each case, with the applicable Particular Conditions, morals and good customs generally accepted by the order public, nor do they do so in a careful and prudent manner.

BRUNO CHIKUJI also has no obligation to verify, and does not verify, the identity of Users, nor the veracity, validity, exhaustiveness and/or authenticity of the data that Users provide about themselves to other Users.

BRUNO CHIKUJI disclaims any responsibility for damages of any nature that may result from the use of the services and contents or that may be due to the lack of veracity, validity, exhaustiveness and/or authenticity of the information that users provide to other users about themselves and, in particular, although not exclusively, for damages of any nature that may be due to the replacement of the personality of a third party carried out by a user in any class of communication carried out through the Site .


In order to access and/or use some of the Services, it is necessary that Users provide BRUNO CHIKUJI with certain personal data (hereinafter, the “Personal Data”), which BRUNO CHIKUJI will process by automated means in accordance with the provisions of the Protection Policy of Personal data.

BRUNO CHIKUJI has adopted the legally required security levels for the protection of personal data and seeks to install other means and additional technical measures of protection. However, the User must be aware that Internet security measures are not foolproof.

BRUNO CHIKUJI may use “cookies” when a User has access to the Website’s pages and websites. The “cookies” that can be used on the websites and web pages of the Website are only associated with the browser of a specific computer, not providing references that allow deducing the User’s first and last names. Due to the “cookies”, it is possible that BRUNO CHIKUJI recognizes Users who have registered in a previous use of the Pages, which means that they do not have to register with each new visit.

The User has the possibility to configure his browser to be notified, on the computer screen, about the receipt of “cookies” and to prevent their installation on the hard drive. Information pertaining to this setting is available in the browser’s own instructions and manuals. In order to use the Site, it is not necessary for the User to allow the reception of “cookies” sent by BRUNO CHIKUJI, without prejudice to the fact that, in this case, the User will need to register each time they access a Service that requires prior registration .

The “cookies” that are used on the websites and web pages of the Site may be installed by BRUNO CHIKUJI, which originate from the different servers operated by BRUNO CHIKUJI, or from third-party servers that provide services and install “cookies” by BRUNO CHIKUJI (such as, for example, cookies that are used to provide advertising services or certain contents through which the User viewed the advertising or contents in a predetermined time, number of times and in a predetermined manner).

Whenever the option that prevents the installation of “cookies” has not been activated, the User will be able to search the hard disk of his/her computer according to the instructions of the browser itself.


In the event that any User or a third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that constitute illegal activity in the use of any content or on the web pages included or accessible through the Site and, in particular, that represent a violation of intellectual property rights or other rights , must send a communication to BRUNO CHIKUJI containing the following data:

(a) personal data: name, address, telephone number and electronic BRUNO CHIKUJI address of the claimant;

(b) specification of the alleged illegal activity occurring on the Site and, in particular, in the case of alleged copyright infringement, a precise and complete indication of the protected and allegedly infringed contents;

(c) facts or circumstances that reveal the unlawful character of such activity;

(d) express and clear statement that the use of the contents was carried out without the consent of the holder of the allegedly infringed intellectual property rights


All notifications and communications by the User to BRUNO CHIKUJI are considered effective, for all purposes, when addressed to the following email address: bruno-chikuji@hotmail.com

All notifications and communications by BRUNO CHIKUJI to the User will be considered effective, for all intents and purposes, when carried out in one of the following ways:

(a) sending a letter to the User’s home when the User has provided a valid address to BRUNO CHIKUJI;

(b) sending a message by electronic BRUNO CHIKUJI to any of the addresses provided by the User;

(c) telephone communication to the number provided by the User;

(d) through messages arising from the Services provided by BRUNO CHIKUJI;

In this sense, all Notifications that BRUNO CHIKUJI performs will be considered valid when made using the data and through the means previously highlighted. For this purpose, the User declares that all data provided are valid and correct, and undertakes to notify BRUNO CHIKUJI of any changes relating to the notification data.


BRUNO CHIKUJI reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to the Site and/or the Services, at any time and without prior notice, on its own initiative or at the request of a third party, to those Users who do not comply with this Terms of Use.


BRUNO CHIKUJI is a community that guarantees ample freedom to authors. Still, authors must respect the following guidelines:

(a) All content published on the website, internet profiles, emails and channels of BRUNO CHIKUJI becomes the property of BRUNO CHIKUJI. Every Author must agree to this condition before starting to collaborate with BRUNO CHIKUJI. For alteration, deletion or publication on other sites and media, prior authorization is required.

(b) In order to avoid problems with other websites on the internet, we ask all authors to notify BRUNO CHIKUJI’s administrative body about their current or future participation in other websites and media;

(c) Disclosing internal information on the Site such as unpublished news or internal management processes and functioning is strictly prohibited;


The provision of the Website service and other Services has an indefinite duration.

BRUNO CHIKUJI, however, has the power to unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, the provision of the Website service and/or any of the Services, without prejudice to the provisions of the regarding in the corresponding Terms of Use.


This Terms of Use is governed by national legislation.


  • Terms of Use Term created on: November 14, 2021;
  • First update: November 14, 2021;